Smoke the Dog
As, every one knows by now that Ron & Kathy lost the dog a week ago after having him (Smoke) 16 years. During the first day of having smoky that really came from my ex-wife side of the family with her sister Chris Thompson of Strasburg, Colorado., today. There daughters mother-in-law could not take care of the dog because of working and no one home? I pick up the dog in Aurora, Colorado 1995 from my ex-wife house and brought smoke home. They got the dog from John Monnahan in Deer Trail around December 1, 1994, as Smoke was 6 month old when we got him.
I installed 2 doggie doors, on in the mail back door and the other in the screen door, so the dog could go outside 24/7. It only took one time to teach smoke to go through both door with an award for him for a couple times and after that he could go out any time day or night.
Smoke only did his business one time and after that, he never gave any problems at all. When we went on vacation, or any trips we took the dog with use 99% of the time, except to get groceries at the store. And I know what you are thinking, so what? We all have animals of some kind in our lives, and I have had other dogs in my life and with my ex-wife, as we had always had a Dachshund dog all the time and plus smoke for 16 years with my wife today with Kathy. But there was some thing different in smoke, as I never got so close to a dog that much as Kathy did too. Smoke really enjoyed his life with us, as much as we love him for all them 16 years or dog life of 106 years old.
Smoke learned our trick with us, as much as we learned his tricks too. He know what time is was for feeding, going to bed, going the to the store as he was with us 99% of the time. He know what time for me to get out of bed in the morning, which was around 9 a. m. when he would bark or cry and sit up next to the bed to get my attention.
I have notice in the last few weeks, that smoke was slowing down and sleeping more, but in the last few years, I would laid down next to our dog smoke and pet him, rub his belly and always told him he was a good puppy, and that we love you. When my wife Kathy was a work, smoke stayed with me all the time, in the yard, by the camper under the car port, next to my computer under my feet in the bedroom or computer in the living room. When Kathy was home, he would share his time with the wife and would follow her around the house and into the kitchen look for a treat, when cooking meals.
Then on October 13th, 2010 smoke had a new bed in our bedroom that she bought a couple days ago. That night, smoke had an attack of some nature and Kathy thought it was a stroke? That really upset Kathy what had happened to smoke that night and I told her, maybe smoke will be OK tomorrow as smoke sleep on his new bed, then was in the front bedroom in the other bed, as Kathy went to work. I notice that smoke was strange in the way he was acting that morning. At 9:30 a. m. Smoke was having a seizures and another on at 11:00 a. m. With epilepsy forming at the mouth and since smoke was 16 years old there was not a treatment for him at his age. We had to make a decision to put smoke to sleep by a vet clinic. We did not want to do this, but smoke did not know us, his pupils were fully extended and black, running into wall as he was blind and having problems walking and went place in this house that he has never been, most likely to find a place to die? The strange thing was smoke with the problems that same day, went outside and did a number #1, then an hour later went outside and did a #2, how in the world did he remember to do that, after going through 3 seizure in 14 hours? Nature is really strange too! That was the hardest thing to do with a dog and never thought we would have to do that, as a retired dog veteranan once said, let the dog die in a nature state. NOT, smoke was suffering to much. On October 14th, 2010 smoke was Euthanasia in Byers, Colorado by: Byers Vet Clinic, LLC Inc. And we put smoke in the ground at our home in the yard by the side of the wooden fence with a picture for his Memory of smoke.
Major Causes of Seizures
Genetic Factors. Some forms of epilepsy are inherited. Sodium, potassium, and calcium serve the brain as ions and produce electric charges that must fire regularly in order for a steady current to pass from one nerve cell to another. If the channels that carry them are genetically damaged, an imbalance occurs that can cause misfire and seizures.
Brain Tumors. Both cancerous and non-cancerous brain tumors can cause seizures.
Liver disease. Liver disease is a degenerative inflammatory disease that results in the hardening and scarring of liver cells. The liver becomes unable to function properly due to the scarred tissue, which prevents the normal passage of blood through the liver.
Severe worm infestation. Parasites release toxins that have an adverse affect on the central nervous system.
Low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia, which brings on feelings of fatigue and stress, may be a factor in triggering seizures. Scientists have estimated that between 50 to 90 percent of all epileptics suffer from low blood sugar, and 70 percent have abnormal glucose tolerance levels.
Lead, Chemicals, Additives and Poisoning. Toxic metals such as lead, copper, mercury, and aluminum have also been known to cause seizures. Some pets are very sensitive to such metals, and exposure is common through aluminum cookware, auto exhaust, industrial pollution, household cleaners and copper water pipes. Flea sprays, collars and yard sprays are also toxic to pets.
Vaccinations. Because vaccines may contain proteins and/or organisms, they may produce an allergic encephalitis inflammation of the brain.
Infections, cysts and cancer.
Head Trauma. A blow to the head from an auto accident, abuse or other accident can lead to life-long seizures.
Renal Kidney Failure. The role of the kidneys is to remove toxins and excess fluid. When the kidneys become diseased or damaged, they may lose their ability to perform these functions, causing a toxic build-up in the body. A toxic build-up can lead to a seizure disorder.
Vitamin deficiencies. Research points to vitamin and mineral deficiencies as possible causes of epilepsy. The key nutrients that appear deficient in epileptics are vitamin B6, vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin D, zinc, taurine, magnesium, and calcium.
Now, I had to change the 2 door with new one that had the doggie door in the old ones. What a job that is turning out to be, replacing the screen door first, then I will start the main back door weather permitting? Who ever built this house sure did not know how to use a level or a square, as every thing in the doorway was way out of plum….!! Try and hang doors that way? Have a great day. Ron Schaffer
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